SABAA invites any angler to join the Small Craft League for the province or region where they reside.
The SABAA NSCL currently consists of 5 provinces (Gauteng, KwaZulu Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and Western Province). There is an official provincial league for each province that hosts eight competitions per year with the top six of those to count for an angler’s season scoring.
Angers can qualify to represent their province at Nationals once they have completed two season and get a provincial ranking based on 60% of their current season and 40% of the best of their last two seasons. This allows qualifying to be over 3 seasons and a gap year if needs be. Once an angler has qualified and competed in two Nationals, they will be awarded their Provincial colours.
The top 13 anglers for each Nationals based on the 60/40 split are then nominated for the President’s team. Should a President’s event be planned, they will represent the SABAA NSCL at that.
This then paves the way forward for working towards international opportunities and potential Protea colours as that progresses. The NSCL finds itself in an exciting and pioneering space with plenty to look forward to.
Should you wish to join the Small Craft League, please contact us through this site or head on over to our Facebook page : where you can message us or connect with our various provincial leagues